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School News: FG Decides On Relaxing Lockdown And Re-opening School Amid Covid-19 Outbreak


The Presidency on Tuesday made clarifications on school resumption following the gradual relaxation of the lockdown ordered by President Muhammadu Buhari due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Recall that Buhari had ordered a gradual relaxation of the lockdown starting from Monday next week, but was, however, silent on the reopening of schools.

However, Buhari’s spokesperson, Femi Adesina while featuring on TVC, said schools may re-open for those about to take exams.

Adesina said candidates about to take West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and other examinations may be allowed to go back to school.

He said: “If you look at Germany, they gradually reduced their lockdown by opening the schools for those who have exams.

“Same may apply here as those who are to write WAEC and take examinations may be allowed to resume to take their exams.

“The Presidential Task Force will be the ones to decide on when to re-open.”

Read Also: Steps On How To Make A's And B's In Your Waec Exam

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School News: FG Decides On Relaxing Lockdown And Re-opening School Amid Covid-19 Outbreak School News: FG Decides On Relaxing Lockdown And Re-opening School Amid Covid-19 Outbreak Reviewed by Admin Examtemple on April 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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